Βeneficiaries’ obligations

The Special Management Authority of the Region of Northern Aegean Region is responsible for setting up and monitoring the framework of information and communication principles for the Operational Program of the Region for the 2014-2020 Programming Period, in accordance with Rule 1303/2013 (Articles 115 & 116) based on the guidelines of the National Coordination Authority / EASAA of the Ministry of Economy and Development.

In this context, it calls on all beneficiaries of operations co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund to adapt to the relevant obligations arising from the EU Regulations, paragraph 5 of Annex I to the Act on the integration of the act and the communication guide of the Operational Program “North Aegean” 2014-2020.

The Communication Guide is a supportive tool for the implementation of the obligations of the beneficiaries of the projects as regards the principles of Information and Communication and an analysis of the basic and mandatory data and data to be followed in order for the Information and Communication actions to be systemic and effective actions for a good understanding of the developmental intervention that is carried out through the Operational Program.

The aim of the Guide is to provide the framework for communication of ROP “North Aegean” and a common image and identity in all the actions of the Funds that will take place in the Region of the North Aegean in the following years. In this way, citizens will be better acquainted with the role of national authorities and the European Union in the implementation of a multitude of actions that determine their everyday life, their quality of life and the profile of the Region in which they live.

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